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Tuesday June 20, 2017

Relaxed Summer Cotton Knitalong

Hello friends! I'm thinking about kicking off a super relaxed cotton knitalong for July and would love to know what you think and if you'd be up for joining. This is how it would work - it would be based around the yarn rather than a specific pattern. 

* You pick a Wildflower or Wildflower Drifter pattern detailed below and buy the cotton Wildflower yarn for it or use yarn you already own.

* The yarn cost will be 10% off and you'll get the pattern and shipping for free. We are out of stock of most of our Wildflower yarns, so they'd ship out around July 6th, right after the 4th which is right when we'll kick things off. There'd be a short window to order them and be able to participate.

* I'll do blog posts with tips and tricks for knitting with this yarn but no in depth videos this time around. Perhaps a fun intro video!

* I'll be available for help around the clock as will Cheryl our in house knitting guru, this will be great especially if you have any fit/customization questions.

* The knitalong will last about 3 weeks, I'll set a rough schedule to keep us all on track and then we'll share at the end! Some of these are very quick to knit so chances are you may finish within a week :)

Let me know if this is something you think you might be interested and I'll get cracking on making it happen! Here are all the pattern options. 

Some sweater options, starting at the top left corner and going around clockwise: the oracle cardi, the sunshine daydream cardi, the soak up the sun tank, the dreamy fields sweater.

And here are a few accessory ideas too.

These patterns are: Sailor Necklaces, Breezy Does It Cowl, Market Bag, Shades of Summer Shawl.

Really, any pattern in our cotton Wildflower or Wildflower Drifter yarn is fair game. To peruse them all see links below:

* Wildflower Patterns

* Wildflower Drifter Patterns

Would love to hear your feedback!

XOXO ~ Amy


Wednesday April 19, 2017

Knitalong Wrap Up - Dash Shawl!

Here we are, all the way at the end of our shawl knitalong. It's been so much fun diving into a new color than the one I already knit, making new video content for you and of course seeing your shawls come to life. They are STUNNING!


I put the final touches on my shawl today and adore it. I opted for Dusty Pink Sister yarn and Golden White Pixie Dust. I went with the exact same lacing as my first shawl, a little boring but after experimenting I figured out that I just liked that best. I am excited to show this baby off today on my daily stroll to my regular coffee shop. Below I've highlighted the shawl pics I've seen on instagram that you've shared with #knitcollageKAL. I also started our very own pinterest board where I'll continue to add photos of the finished shawls as I see them.


Thank you so much to all of you who participated! I loved hosting this and hope to make the next one we do, even better, so if you have any feedback, please let me know. I'm all ears! I hope the photos of each other's work inspires you. My favorite part of a knitalong is always connecting with you and seeing you happy with your finished piece. It has been an honor. Let's keep making!


Ok, to start,here's me and my finished shawl, I'm loving it and already wore it all day yesterday.  Take a look at all the beautiful shawls knit by our community below. Definitely visit the Pinterest board to see them all!

Holy cow ~ Anne @ Flax&Twine's stunning shawl - I just about died when I saw this!

@lifeinwool stunning finished shawl in Rich Eggplant Sister yarn and India Henna Pixie Dust - soooo glad I got to see this combo come to life! Head to the pinterest board to see her in progress shots. These came out so beautifully and reminded me how much fun the process can be!

Stephanie from All About Ami's shawl - wow, right?! I loved seeing this color combination come to life as well. 

@merryberryco work in progress - how about that mug though?! 

@pvdplaats Soft Ivory version coming together! Can't wait to see it all finished up. 


Thank you all so much for participating! I hope to add to this post as you wrap up knitting these :) The winner of any 2 skeins is Deborah of @lifeinwool for her gorgeous photos all throughout the process! Loved seeing these pop up on IG this last month Deborah!

Big hugs and so much love, Amy @ Knit Collage

Wednesday March 29, 2017

Dash Shawl Knitalong Week 2

Hi friends! I hope you've had a wonderful week diving into your Dash Shawl. I cannot wait to see all the different colorways come to life. I managed to get through 3 total repeats of the pattern and have found this pattern to be so soothing to knit. It just flows for me, how about you? Here's what we'll go over today: we'll review stitch counts, how to tell if the yarn over holes you've knit look correct, customizing your shawl length and lastly casting off. Let's get started :)

Dash Shawl Video 3

Things to keep in mind:

* After row 11, you'll have 26 stitches on your needles

* After repeating rows 2-11 again (two times), you'll have 46 stitches on your needles

* After repeating rows 2-11 a third time, you'll have 66 stitches on your needles. This is where I am. My shawl measures about 13.5" now, so a little more than halfway done. 

* I plan to repeat rows 2-11 about two more times, for a total of 5 repeats or until the width of my shawl measures 25".

* If you want your shawl shorter and smaller than this, consider casting off sooner than me according to what you like best. If you want it larger, keep knitting in the stitch of the pattern!

* You can cast off after any row of the pattern - it doesn't have to be after row 11 - just whenever your shawl is your desired length.

* Remember to cast off purl-wise as the pattern says.

* It's important that the yarn over holes you created throughout the pattern line up in a subtle zig zag pattern. This is a little tricky to see before you've blocked your piece. The holes zig zag by 1 stitch horizontally - see video and below detail photos for reference. I encourage you to make sure these yarn over holes look correct. Next week, we'll lace our Pixie Dust yarn through them to finish our shawl. It really does affect the total look of the shawl if they're not lining up correctly.

If you can try to finish up knitting the shawl portion and cast off. If you need more time to get there, let me know and I can slow down a little! I appreciate all the feedback and just want your projects to be a success.


If you're unsure how to bind off, here's a great video to watch. Just keep in mind that we'll be binding off in purl stitches, not knit stitches as shown there.  


Last but not least, let's talk about prizes. I briefly touched on this last week. I think the prize should go to the person who looks to happiest/most triumphant/excited about their pillow. So the photo has to be a selfie, with either the finished shawl or the yarn/knitting in progress and tagged with #knitcollageKAL . It doesn't have to be silly but it totally could be. It could just be you all blissed out and cozy with it. I'll pick a winner at the end AND the prize will be any 2 skeins of yarn of your choice!


Good luck and thank you so much for joining me on this knitalong! Please continue to share your work on social media with #knitcollageKAL and #knitcollage I love seeing these so darn much :)

xoxo ~ Amy

My piece so far ~



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