The final week is here, I can't believe it! This video took me quite a while to put together - it is 20 minutes long! There's a lot of information here. This is the trickiest part of the pattern, so please (as always) reach out if you need a helping hand. The video was a little tricky to film because the sweater is so big but I think you'll get the idea! Cheryl & I are around to guide you through. 

OK! So this photo gives us an overview of what we will be working towards. We pick up stitches along both cardi edges as well as all the live stitches we have along the neck edge. Follow along in the video below for the exact how to. Key take aways given after the video too!

Before you get started you should have:

* 4 live stitches on waste yarn or a spare needle on each front panel

* 6 live stitches for each sleeve panel

* 12 live stitches for the back panel

* You will knit the collar with the larger, size 17 needles.

* The removable markers you placed while knitting the front panels are very important - they indicate where our short row shaping takes place.


So in this video, I'll show you how to:

* Place live stitches from waste yarn back onto a needle

* Pick up stitches knit-wise and purl-wise

* How to knit the rib placket and collar

* How to knit the short row collar shaping


And that's it! Once you finish your collar, you are all done! Weave in those ends and then it's time to wear it all winter long. Yay!