Hi everyone! I'm excited to dive into the back panel in a little more detail in today's tutorial. Hopefully you've been able to finish the back panel portion of your knitting, up until the raglan armhole shaping. Not to worry if you're not there yet, all of these videos and blogs will be live forever so you can always come back to them AND I'm always here to help as well! Alrighty, so in today's video, I guide you through how to do the armhole shaping on the back panel, take a look below.

 In this video I show you how to:

* Knit the SSK also known as slip-slip-knit, a left leaning decrease stitch on row 13 of the pattern.

* Knit the K2TOG also known as the knit 2 together stitch, a right leaning decrease stitch also used on row 13 of the pattern.

* At the end of this panel - it says, do not break yarns, so please do not. When you start your front panels, use a new ball.

* Also - huge apologies there is a small typo in row 11. It should read: BO 2 stitches, K12, SM, P1, K6, P1, K6, P1, SM, K15.

And it's as simple as that! If you can this week, try to finish your back panel. If you can, get started on your front panels which are super simple to knit! As always, feel free to reach out with questions in the comments below or by email at amy@knitcollage.com

Big hugs ~ Amy