As the crisis in Ukraine worsened this week, I kept asking myself what can we do here at Knit Collage to help. The situation is so unbelievably heartbreaking to watch and hear about. With this in mind, we’ve decided to start a fundraiser and the coolest part is any amount we raise will be matched by the company that my husband works for, UBS. 50% of all sales that come into our website from now until Monday, March 7th at 11:59pm will be donated by us to UBS’s Ukraine relief fund. Details here. Our donation goes twice as far with our partnership with UBS. UBS is supporting these organizations: International Rescue Committee, Americares, Lumos and Hope and Homes for Children. Along with helping us to raise money, now feels like an ideal time to lean into making things. The comfort that knitting or any craft brings during uncertain times is massive.

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