Intro to the spring 2020 knitalong!
The spring knitalong (KAL) is ALMOST HERE and I so hope you'll consider joining me! This one will be a little different than last fall, given the current world circumstances. My goal is to serve you with so much value - bonuses, help and videos galore. We'll be upping our virtual community which means more opportunities to share, connect and cheer each other. Lastly, I'm collaborating with a past KAL participant to bring more mindfulness practices to you. My hope is that by creating, connecting and taking time out for ourselves during this hard moment in history, we'll be able to be our best selves and bring that to those around us as well. All the details below!
In the next video, coming out on Saturday, you'll get more info into the exact yarns and designs, shown above. I will have an accompanying blog post with color options, fit and pricing details so that if you decide to pick your style and color in advance, you can! This is also a great opportunity for you to email us any questions that might come up. We are happy to help with custom color ways.
I so hope you'll consider joining in. Let me know in the comments below if you're up for joining and if you have any questions for me. I am so excited for it!
Hugs ~ Amy