How did you do on your finish it February projects?! The self imposed deadline of Feb 28th helped me immensely. I managed to finish 2 of the 3 projects I had hoped to get done. Yes, I wish I'd done all 3 but 2 feels like victory. The first was a simple scarf that I completely quickly and will share sometime soon. The second was my daunting Penguono sweater that I started last June. It took me so long to finish up, much longer than I could've possibly imagined and in the end I finished 1 day late on March 1. The cast off was deceivingly tedious to do - there were just so many stitches, ha! The finished sweater makes me so incredibly happy though. By the end my hands killed because I spent so much time knitting but it was 100% worth it. I've been wearing it nonstop. It's crazy and awesome. I adore it. I think every February should be finish it Feb in my book!


I knit this in a mishmash of stash yarns. I held skinnier yarns together and mixed in our Sister, Daisy Chain, Cast Away and Spun Cloud yarns. If you have any questions about the pattern or my yarn picks, please get in touch. It really was a beautiful pattern to knit, so enjoyable to use up my stash and almost completely seamless. Who doesn't love seamless?!  I also adore the cozy jacket-like shape. I didn't have to worry about fit at all. I wonder what other West Knits patterns would work in bulky yarns - if you have any suggestions, send them my way! I'm up for another challenge. Pics of my Penguono below and on Ravelry.

Knit Collage West Knits Penguono Sweater

Knit Collage West Knits Penguono Sweater

Knit Collage West Knits Penguono Sweater

Knit Collage West Knits Penguono Sweater

And flipped upside down - love it this way!

Knit Collage West Knits Penguono Sweater

Knit Collage West Knits Penguono Sweater

Knit Collage West Knits Penguono Sweater

Knit Collage West Knits Penguono Sweater