Hi friends! I'm so sad the KAL is coming to an end. This is my last creativity blog post but I'll definitely be around until every person is finished and happy with their project, so just holler as always if you need a hand. I plan to do a big round up post in the coming weeks as well, most likely next week or the week after depending on when people are done. 


Today's blog is a short and sweet one all about gratitude. I thought this would be a nice way to wrap up this side of the KAL. People all the time say it's important to feel grateful for what we have and to spend time each day writing these things down. I think until you really start doing it, it's hard to see the benefit. I am a big fan. I find that it helps to put things in perspective when I'm feeling overwhelmed or upset about something that happened. My old practice was to wake up and write down just a few things I was grateful for every morning but this was too few. I just sort of glossed over it and went on with my day, something that I just had to check off the list. Recently I changed this, when I wake up now, I get my coffee at write for 25 minutes on all the things I appreciate and am grateful for. It's about 2 pages in word! There's no better way to start the day, well at least it's my vote. It puts me into such a good place. I love being able to look back and see what things I was thankful for a month ago etc. I find that I sweat the small stuff less and am better at knowing that the things that bother me will pass, I have a lot to be thankful for all the time.


So that is what I want to leave you with for this side of the KAL, the power of appreciation and gratitude. It helps put me into the best mood each day through my morning writing. Maybe more importantly, I'm better able to cope with all the hard stuff that comes up, put it in perspective and just let it go. I'm so grateful for this group - for you agreeing to do this KAL. I loved every minute. I hope we keep the FB group alive to share our work in the months to come. Lots of love, AmyÂ