Amulet Shawl Knitalong ~ Week 4
Hi Amulet Shawl peeps! I hope everyone is doing well and having a wonderful time knitting their shawls. Seeing some of the different colorways in our facebook group has been amazing! If you haven't joined in on the conversation there yet, please do right here.
Ok this week we get into the fancy part of this shawl - knitting that lace border. In this week's video I guide you through exactly how to knit that portion of your shawl.
Key tips: In this video I show you have to do the simple YO stitch as well as the fancier sl-k2tog-psso and SSK stitches.
This week, try to finish the lace portion and bind off your shawl. We'll meet back here next week to review the best blocking techniques for our unique yarns. Hint, I have my own funny method that I am rather fond of :)