It has been a crazy awesome week at Knit Collage! As you may have noticed, we just launched a new website that we could not be more excited and happy about. Finally, it feels like the yarn and who we are matches our online presence. On top of that, we travelled to Columbus for a big yarn tradeshow where knitting store owners from all over show up to see new yarns & patterns. It is always so much fun catching up with old friends and meeting new store owners. This year we will be shipping yarn to Seattle & Montana this fall- 2 new locations for us! Be sure to check out our new yarn, Cast Away available for wholesale purchase now. Check out the recap in photos below too!


The pom pom chandelier was a hit!

Wall of Pixie Dust lusciousness. 

Favorite cowl by Tangled Handknits & Purl Bee hat in Sister yarn.

Got interviewed by the peeps from New Stitch A Day and felt famous for 2 minutes!

Lots of interest in weaving with our yarns- perfect example in this bag done with Pixie Dust & Maharani Silk.

This pattern was a hit with buyers! Featured in our new yarn Cast Away.

At the end of each day my sister and I spent $2 to visit these surprisingly great massage chairs. Money well spent I think!