I first stumbled upon Emma and her Lulu Loves blog through Pinterest and fell in love with many of her patterns. I adore her peter pan collar pattern (it's free!) and thought it might work up well in our new Maharani Silk yarn. I was right! I made the first collar in 1 night. I was totally unable to stop crocheting because it was just too pretty and I had to finish! 


Maharani silk has one skinny strand of lurex plied into it and I love the little bit of sparkle that adds to this project. Who doesn't like a little sparkle on their neck?! Now I’ve made 3 and love them all. Photos of my collars are below but also feel free to check out my project on Ravelry, click here. It's worth seeing the other 200+ projects that others have made too. All pretty! We have also shipped out this new yarn to many stores now. If you're interested in finding out exactly which shops stock it, drop me an email at amy@knitcollage.com 


Mine are in colors: Keylime Pie (green one), Bollywood Pink & Champagne!