Today I am here with Megan Elizabeth, the founder of Making Things, a brand new app that gives you access to a huge library of patterns from many different designers - digitally as a monthly subscription. The features are wide ranging but one of my favorites is that it works as a stitch counter tool and will hold your place mid pattern, so you know where you are when you set your project down and come back to it. It's a whole new way of thinking about the pattern design industry. Along with hearing about her business and how it's shaking up the pattern world, I think you'll love hearing about her unwavering belief in herself and her ideas. It is powerful and I hope, will inspire you to embrace the same within yourself. Let's dive in!

I just love this one. I so hope you found some inspiration within her story. It was really fun to interview someone in the tech space as it relates to making (and knitting of course!). Please check out Making Things at the site link below. You'll find a bunch of my patterns available there as a monthly subscription. So you get access to all o them as long as you are subscribed. Very cool!

Making Things Website

Knit Collage on Making ThingsÂ