Today on the show I have Anna Jane Kocon, the owner and founder of Little State Flower Co, a Rhode Island flower farm that grows the most gorgeous flowers. I think you'll really enjoy this epsiode, as you can imagine, coping with the natural elements while running a business comes with a whole other set of challenges that some of us fiber folk don't have to worry about. I fell in love Anna Jane's strength, toughness and confidence and found it contagious. Let's dive in!

Alright friends I'm back I hope you enjoyed the episode. This one was so good right?! I thought Anna Jane did such a great job of telling us the good and the not so great - or should I just say REAL parts of running a business. So much of what she talked about goes beyond flowers and farming to things many creative small business owners can relate too. Unsurprisingly I love that she knows her numbers and highlighted that. I wish I had taken ownership over this part of my business earlier and really crushed it from day one. So heed her fantastic advice here if you're in this boat! Please support her business at the links below and if you're in the RI area, get yourself some of these insanely gorgeous flowers!

Little State Flower Co Website

Little State Flower Co in Instagram

Little State's Flower Share options (that she talked about on the podcast!)

Podcasts she recommended: Up and Vanished