Today on the show I have Erin Barrett, the extraordinary weaver and mastermind behind Sunwoven Studios. In this conversation, we talk about her desire to find work that fit into her life as mom started it all, the importance of self care and how having her business has helped her grow and learn more about herself and others. All the things I love hearing about.

I love how open Erin was about her story and the off the beaten paths she and her husband are living. There are few things that resonated with me so strongly. One those is the way she went about deciding what she would do after her daughter was born – she wanted to find work that fit into her role and life as a mom. Nothing else would do and she didn’t settle for something that didn’t light her up completely. Now her work complenents her role as mom and she's doing it al. I love that she set that intention from the beginning and just made it happen. Like she said, it had to work, she didn't have another alternative. So good!


I also love another idea she touched on a bunch - that our work has the potential to make us better if we let it. Erin uses her work as a creative outlet and as a way to grow. She says she's learned so much about herself and others through her business. She’s stronger and more focused because of it AND you know I’m someone that is very into this idea of growing and evolving always. I love that she keyed in on this. Even if you’re working for a larger company, even if you don’t work, is there a way you can make sure you’re growing and getting better as time goes on? My fear of staying the same, stuck where I am definitely drives me to learn new things all the time.


Alright, so that wraps up today. I’m going to leave you with one final thought/to do. I recently stumbled upon this wonderful ted talk by Caroline McHugh titled the art of being yourself (see below!). I watched it 3x last night. The crux of her talk is that being yourself – developing everything about you that is quintessentially you is the most important thing we can do – this ties into that idea many guests have brought up about leaning into your weirdness is what sets you apart – that’s your super power. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.

Ok that’s it for today! Please take a look at Erin's website Sunwoven Studios here and be sure to check her out on instagram too. A few of my favorite photos of her and her work are below. As always, I would so appreciate a review in iTunes or comment below letting me know what you think about the podcast and this interview in particular!

Collage Creative Podcast Erin Barrett Sunwoven Studios

Collage Creative Podcast Erin Barrett Sunwoven Studios

Collage Creative Podcast Erin Barrett Sunwoven Studios

Collage Creative Podcast Erin Barrett Sunwoven Studios

Collage Creative Podcast Erin Barrett Sunwoven Studios

Collage Creative Podcast Erin Barrett Sunwoven Studios