Today I have a very special guest, Genevieve Day, the owner of Jp Knit & Stitch, a fanastic LYS here in Boston and New England Farm to Fiber, a shop at Boston’s Public Market that specializes in farm yarn. She’s been a long time friend, supporter and incredible inspiration into what running a business and juggling a family looks like. Best part, we did the interview right at her shop.

 What a wonderful conversation with Geneveieve. I love when she talks about how important evolving is, growing and opening yourself up to new experiences  – that is where so much excitement and happiness lay, challenging ourselves and taking whatever it is we're working on and passionate about to the next level. When she started her second business at the boston public market she expanded her horizons to new opportunities and people. It's so easy to do that and just rest on our routines and habits especially when we're all so darn busy! It was a good reminder to get out of my own box box, try new things, to keep evolving and diversifying. Also, I think we must have Jaime Jennings of Fancy Tiger on the show - Genevieve mentions her a few times!  


She is also a such an inspiration when it comes to how she juggles her family, her self and her business. From the beginning she set up great systems so that she didn’t phsycially have to be in the store to have it run well. I don't think any other business owner I've met set out from the beginning to do this - GENIUS! She also talks about the importance of friendships – this is may be an obvious one but I needed to hear this right then. I love that she nurtures her friendships and makes them a priority. Sometimes those nights out with girlfriends or playdates are our saving grace during a tough week. Her story about how she came up with the Farm to Fiber shop is a great example of how important these connections are in her life, a friend helped push her idea along and a few months later she had Farm to Fiber!


Thank you so much for listening to the show! If you’re interested in finding out more about Genevieve including some of the photos we spoke about check out these gorgeous pics below. Find out more about Genevieve's businesses at JP Knit and Stitch and New England Farm to Fiber. If you're in the Boston area, you MUST visit both her her locations! 

Genevieve wearing something gorgeous that I'm sure she knit herself :)

Her 3 kids at their JP home.

The JP shop!

Farm yarn sheep! These are some of the sheep that make the yarn she sells at New England Farm to Fiber.

All the yummy fiber.

Farm yarn - this pic kills me - want it all!

Thank you so much for tuning in. If you like what you hear I would be so grateful if you would leave me a rating or review in iTunes. This helps other people find out about the show. Thank you so much and can't wait for my guest Andrea Mowry next week!
