Today on the show I have Julie Duffy. Julie is a writer – our first ever write on the show! She is the founder of a Story A Day which is a creative writing challenge that happens twice a year. At the heart of what she does is helping writers get their creative groove on – nothing not to love. I cannot wait for you to hear this one friends. So much of it applies to any creative field or small business. She takes us through what’s she learned from running these challenges (it's all about that cr@ppy first draft!) and how a tough year in her life led to new opportunities. I love the way she makes time for her creativity a priority in her time. I’m determined to do the same after hearing from her and hope you’ll be inspired to as well. 


Learn more about Julie and please take some time support her work at the links below!

A Story A Day

Her personal website

Julie on Instagram - @storyadaymay

Her podcast